Radio Interview With Ed Behr

Radio Interview With Ed Behr

Through a convoluted series of events, I found this recent radio interview with my writing idol, Ed Behr. My food blogging friends worship chefs, I worship the publisher of The Art of Eating, the world's best food and wine magazine (an attitude I held long before I started writing for it). The Restaurant Guys start their interview with Ed about 15 minutes into the program (and occasionally interrupt him with ads, so stay with it). Ed discusses the history of his magazine, small producers and their personalities, farming trends, molecular gastronomy, and various specific articles that have appeared over the years (with a big segment on Nicolas Joly and biodynamics).

I note that a couple weeks later the Restaurant Guys interviewed Rowan Jacobsen, now the managing editor of AoE and another writer I admire, but that show doesn't seem to be up yet. (The show has had a number of interesting guests, and I might pull down some other interviews, which are available as a podcast.)

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