No, Not That Edward Behr

No, Not That Edward Behr

My condolences to the friends, family, and admirers of Edward Behr, the British war correspondent and prolific writer who passed away yesterday.

That Edward Behr is not, despite what the Associated Press says, the Edward Behr who wrote The Artful Eater and who publishes The Art of Eating quarterly. He is alive and, I hope, well.

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- Radio Interview With Ed Behr
Through a convoluted series of events, I found this recent radio interview with my writing idol, Ed Behr. My food blogging friends worship chefs, I worship the publisher of The Art of Eating, the world's best food and wine magazine (an attitude I...

- Zucchini On Sfist
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- Art Of Eating 67
However long I write about food and wine, my happiest memories will always include the day in June of 2003 when Ed Behr bought a story idea from me. It was the first food/wine story I sold (though not the first to press), and I, along with lots of serious...

