Flaming Grasshopper

Flaming Grasshopper

I believe every serious and thoughtful food lover should have a healthy stock of Chelsea Green books. Not because they produce great cookbooks (they don't, to my knowledge), but because they know that good food, tradition, politics, and ecology are all interconnected. In addition to publishing translations of Slow Food books, they're the house responsible for the reissued edition of Ed Behr's oft-referenced The Artful Eater (which I discussed a while back). I browse through their portfolio with my credit card a safe distance away.

They have started a blog, Flaming Grasshopper, which touches on any number of topics. The dream of a sustainable, healthy environment and a liberal government underlies the blog and their publishing philosophy. Sometimes the topics are Vermont-specific, but in general they span a national context.

- The Joy Of Writing A Great Cookbook: Interview With Kimberly Yorio
If you want to be a food writer, I highly recommend that you read Will Write for Food by Dianne Jacob, but if writing a cookbook is your goal, you’ll also want to check out The Joy of Writing a Great Cookbook by Kimberly Yoirio. This no nonsense book...

- The Vanishing Cookbook
One of the most practical sessions I attended at IACP in Chicago was The Vanishing Cookbook. The panelists included Tanya Steel, Editor in Chief of Epicurious.com, Rick Rodgers, noted cookbook author and award-winning cooking instructor and Pam Chirls,...

- Non-food Post
My cousin Ian, and one of my favorite people in the whole world, works for the National Democratic Institute. He's traveled all over the world, and just last night I received this from my Aunt: Hi Everyone, I am asking all of you to keep Ian in your...

- No, Not That Edward Behr
My condolences to the friends, family, and admirers of Edward Behr, the British war correspondent and prolific writer who passed away yesterday. That Edward Behr is not, despite what the Associated Press says, the Edward Behr who wrote The Artful Eater...

- The Artful Eater
I can't give you an objective review of Edward Behr's The Artful Eater, recently reprinted with slight changes a dozen years after its first printing. I've loved The Art of Eating since I received my first issue. The essays in this book...

