

An Obsession with Food has freed me to write on any number of food-related topics and experiment with different writing styles. But the title constrains me as well: It permits little in the way of non-food thoughts.

So, I've started a new blog. An Obsession with Everything Else will be more eclectic, with shorter posts in general. OWEE exists for the same reason OWF does: to give me a place to write on a regular basis. It just lets me talk about, well, everything else. As I told my friend Phil, every other blogger gets to share every iota of the dreary trivia in their lives, why shouldn't I?

OWF fans needn't worry. Most of my energy will still go into this blog. But for those who want to see another side of me, check out OWEE (pronounced "Ow-ee"). The site still needs work, and it will probably be my playground for fiddling with style sheets, logos, and other things that will migrate over to this site. I also need to figure out a better solution for my derrickschneider.com domain. Right now, I've told directNIC to redirect that domain to the OWEE site, but it does so by enclosing everything in a frame. This may not make sense to everyone, but the upshot is that once you're on OWEE, every link you click will not change the URL in your title bar. It will appear that the entire Internet is contained by www.derrickschneider.com. This is lame, but I suspect the fix involves a long phone call with EarthLink.

So stop by, look around, revisit from time to time, or ignore it. I won't expect you to keep up, I promise. For those who use RSS readers, you can currently find the feed at http://www.obsessionwithfood.com/everything_else/atom.xml, a byproduct of my domain-name issues.

- Remember That Survey? Here Are The Results
Back in September, I asked you to participate in a survey to help me better understand my readers. I had 135 responses, which I estimated to be 2.7 percent of my readership at the time. (My readership is a larger number than my daily visitor count, because...

- Not About Food: Love Song To Editors
I tell anyone who listens that my current passion for improving my writing comes from good editors. (I had good editors when I wrote my books, but I wasn't ready to understand what they were doing). One editor in particular changed my writing forever,...

- Culinate Profile Of Owf
Liz Crain, who writes the Blog Feed column for online food magazine Culinate, focuses her spotlight on OWF this week (with a brief cameo by OWEE). It's a nice Q & A interview, and I encourage you all to go check it out....

- Silly Star Trek Spirits
Note: I thought about putting this on OWEE, but I imagine some of this blog's readers will enjoy it. You may think I'm obsessive (Google does). But someone who takes the time to catalog the alcoholic beverages in the entire Star Trek universe?...

- Owf Mentioned In The Sf Chronicle (sort Of)
My friend Russell went to Web 2.0, and sat next to a reporter in one session. They started talking about RSS, and the reporter wrote a story about this technology. To illustrate Russell's breadth of reading material, the reporter called out a couple...

