Silly Star Trek Spirits

Silly Star Trek Spirits

Note: I thought about putting this on OWEE, but I imagine some of this blog's readers will enjoy it.

You may think I'm obsessive (Google does). But someone who takes the time to catalog the alcoholic beverages in the entire Star Trek universe? That's got me beat. I discovered the article while researching Modern Drunkard as a potential client.

- Overheard At The Michelin Preview Reception
I won't tell you who said what, but I swear to you, the following statements were all made by chefs whose restaurants received one star in the Michelin Guide San Francisco: Bay Area and Wine Country 2007. "Give back a star? Non!" "I agree that only...

- Blog Party #23: Sci-fi Party; The Round-up
Greetings, Earthlings!! (Hee!) Welcome to another Blog Party. Tonight, we're letting our Geek flag fly, and giving the world of Sci-Fi the cocktail hour treatment. Heck, I've even dug out my Star Trek (original series) uniform for the occasion....

- Cross Post: Well, Which Is It?
Melissa suggested I re-post this after its arrival on OWEE, even though the post is less about Julia Child and more about odd discrepancies among her biographers. The other day, I spent some time at the library, researching a particular aspect of Julia...

- Riesling In The Mosel Valley, The Art Of Eating, Issue 71
Photo by Melissa Schneider. A little less than a year ago, Melissa and I traveled through Germany's Mosel region, home to some of the world's best wines. I envisioned the trip as a vacation, but it seemed silly to not sell an article about...

- Owee
An Obsession with Food has freed me to write on any number of food-related topics and experiment with different writing styles. But the title constrains me as well: It permits little in the way of non-food thoughts. So, I've started a new blog. An...

