Not About Food: Love Song To Editors

Not About Food: Love Song To Editors

I tell anyone who listens that my current passion for improving my writing comes from good editors. (I had good editors when I wrote my books, but I wasn't ready to understand what they were doing). One editor in particular changed my writing forever, both through example and by inspiring me to learn on my own, but I've had the good fortune to stumble across other good editors and coaches. (I've also found some whom I don't like; they just reinforce how wonderful the others are.)

So I enjoyed this ode to editors at Salon enough to post about it here, in the main body of OWF, instead of in the Snack bar on the side or on OWEE. A good editor is a treasure, and I'm not just saying that because some of mine happen to read this site. Some day, I hope to pass to some future young writer the wisdom they continue to give me.

- Gulf Coast Seafood
I started blogging ten years ago and since then, everything has changed. Blogging has changed, my career has changed, my shopping, cooking and eating have all changed. Hands down, the best thing about blogging is not the food, but the people I get to...

- The River Cottage Meat Book
In some ways, this is one of the easiest reviews I’ve done: If you cook meat, buy The River Cottage Meat Book. Author Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall engages and entertains the reader with solid information about meat cookery, sustainable farming, and...

- Advice For Bloggers Turned Writers
In a literal sense, I'm a professional food and wine writer; I earn money from my articles. In a figurative sense, it's a bit more vague; it's not my day job, and I've only been doing it for a few years. But I'd like to offer some...

- Wine Blogs At The Wine Writers Symposium
Here's a talk I gave at the Wine Writers Symposium about blogs and wine writing. This isn't a transcript but an idealized form of a presentation that's fresh in my mind. I wrote it as I intended to speak it—maybe I should have formatted...

- Bye All
I'm off to Croatia and Venice for a week and a half. I'm writing a story about World Puzzle Championship (if there are any editors out there who'd like a story about what to my mind is far more interesting than the Scrabble championships,...

