Bye All

Bye All

I'm off to Croatia and Venice for a week and a half. I'm writing a story about World Puzzle Championship (if there are any editors out there who'd like a story about what to my mind is far more interesting than the Scrabble championships, email me). I'll be back in plenty of time for IMBB 9, and I look forward to seeing your submissions.

- Read All About It
There have been a number of bloggers making headlines lately. There have also been several interesting stories about food bloggers and food blogging. This blog has been referenced in various publications several times, going back almost two years now....

- Too Many Pomegranates?
You may have noticed that pomegranates have made their way into my blog quite a bit lately. Having discovered pomegranate concentrate or molasses I have done a little experiementing. I've also been writing a story on syrups including some recipes...

- Advice For Bloggers Turned Writers
In a literal sense, I'm a professional food and wine writer; I earn money from my articles. In a figurative sense, it's a bit more vague; it's not my day job, and I've only been doing it for a few years. But I'd like to offer some...

- Writer. Programmer. Puzzle Designer.
Photo by Melissa Schneider. My first sale to Wine Enthusiast didn't go the way I planned. I pitched an idea for the magazine's back page, a harbor for short features and essays. The managing editor decided not to go with my concept, but...

- Opening Bottles On Wine Review Online
I've mentioned before that Wine Review Online is open to unusual wine story ideas. See my article on bottles as proof (added to my "Professional Writing" section on the right if you want to look later). Once I started to research this piece, I was...

