Oh, to be in Buenos Aires...

Oh, to be in Buenos Aires...

I assume. Never been. But it sure sounds nice, doesn't it?

Monday's dinner: Scrambled Eggs with Chicken, Ham and Potatoes, from Food & Wine.

Two versions; one made with Serrano ham and roasted chicken for Matt, and another using Lightlife Veggie Ham and Veat Chicken breast for me.

slices of onion, cooked till brown. Add strips of red pepper, cooked till softened. To this add the meats (or faux meats), till warmed. Then add an egg/milk/kosher salt/pepper/parsley (which we didn't have) mix; cooking and gently stirring until the eggs are just set. Toss in some roasted potatoes, cook till eggs are as you like them. Serve with hot sauce.

Good stuff. Matt said it seemed like true comfort food. And very filling. I liked it, but honestly? I would skip the red peppers if I made it again. They just didn't seem to do anything for the dish. Not much flavor, and the sudden change in texture...well, it wasn't for me.

But a good, and fairly quickly prepared, meal. Matt has lots and lots of left-overs.

I hope to have the EoMEoTE round-up posted Wednesday; I'm working on it right now...

Also, Blog Party, The Big Game Night edition, is coming up soon! Get those hearty, bite-sized dishes and 'manly' drinks ready...it's looking to be a good one.

And if anyone out there has pull with Ronald at IMBB?, could you put in a good word for the event? I've twice written to him, to get Blog Party on the events list...but still nothing. Thanks!

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