New Site Design!

New Site Design!

At long last! The redesign has launched! I hope you like it as much as I do. First and foremost I want to thank my amazingly talented web designer, Cat Batacan and my coding guru Christine Vilar. I highly recommend them both. The photo in the banner is one I took at Borough Market in London a few years ago.

Borough Market

Not all the links to Recipes, Reviews, News and Travel have been added yet, but the new format should make navigating much easier than before. Thanks for all your patience, if you notice anything amiss, please do let me know.

- Help Me And Win!
It's time for a blog redesign! Cooking with Amy is going to be redesigned by the talented designer who created the current look several years ago. I've got lots of ideas but would like to hear yours too. What do you like best about the site?...

- Finally...!
Check out my new look. I had some fantastic help on this and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. A huge thank you to designer Catharine Batacan and web developer My Nguyen. You are my heroes. So what do you think? I really hope you like...

- More Great Food Sites
If you have discovered this blog you undoubtedly fall into one of two categories--friend and/or family of Amy OR hip, cool, cutting edge type. Or you could be both. Why? Because blogs are "the next big thing". Let's face it, when AOL catches on you...

- About
Hi! I'm Amy Sherman, a San Francisco–based cookbook author, food writer and recipe developer. I launched the blog, Cooking with Amy, in June of 2003. Not long after it was chosen one of the top five food blogs by Forbes and also singled out by...

- Le Glossary
My glossary was one of the casualties of the site redesign. It wasn't erased entirely, however, and I've ported it over to the new design. I didn't make any content changes from the last time it existed, but now I have incentive to keep it...

