Help me and win!

Help me and win!


It's time for a blog redesign! Cooking with Amy is going to be redesigned by the talented designer who created the current look several years ago. I've got lots of ideas but would like to hear yours too. What do you like best about the site? Least? What would you like to see me add? Subtract? I really appreciate your input. As a thank you I am offering prizes for 3 commenters: two issues of Eat Smart and one grand prize with edible treats.

Last year I chose The Food You Crave by Ellie Krieger as one of my favorite books of the year. This year she has joined forces with Fine Cooking magazine as a contributing editor. You may have seen the special Eat Smart issue that contains 75 of her recipes. This wonderful keepsake edition has pantry and storage tips and a ton of scrumptious recipes like Miso-Glazed Cod, Blueberry Coffee Cake and Fettuccine with Walnuts and Parsley. It costs $9.99 and is on newstands until June 30th this year. I will be sending a copy to two lucky winners (US residents only). I also have a grand prize of a goodie box that contains chocolate, jam, spice, French sea salt and tea that will go to a third lucky commenter.

Only one entry per person, please include your email address and full name (don't worry, you email address will only be visible to me). Contest ends soon! Enter today. Extra points if you sign up for my monthly newsletter.



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