Mastering Wine

Mastering Wine

The New York Times has an article (free registration required) about people studying for the Master of Wine exam. I occasionally harbor fantasies of going for this, and the article doesn't dissuade me, just gives me an idea of what I'm up against. But one of my wine teachers failed her M.W. exam three times, so now has to wait three years (probably only one or two by now) before she can take it again. And she sits on prestigious judging panels and the like. No slouch.

- Wine And Roommates
Some of you veteran OWF readers may dimly remember that I write for other publications. Some of you may also remember that I occasionally write for this one. Ha ha. Yesterday, my article about managing roommates and wine tastes appeared in the San Francisco...

- Epicurious Brings Rebecca Chapa On Board
One of my favorite wine teachers is Rebecca Chapa. I had her a couple of times as I studied wine, and I try to emulate her in my own teaching, especially since one of the classes I teach used to be hers. So I was thrilled when I saw that she’s...

- Decanting In The Chronicle
The Chronicle has a reasonably useful article about decanting wine. The article correctly states that it's probably something that intimidates people, and goes on to describe a controversy that I didn't know was there: whether or not oxygen actually...

- Mexican Wine
I just noticed this article about wine producers in Mexico. The article suggests that quality wine is being made in Mexico. It might seem odd to be growing grapes that close to the equator, but I'd be interested in trying some. I just find it annoying...

- A Day Too Late
I just noticed the following article at Wine Spectator's web site: pairing wine and Halloween candy. It's actually a pretty interesting article, since it reveals a lot about what the wine press looks for in the ever-elusive perfect food and wine...

