A Day Too Late

A Day Too Late

I just noticed the following article at Wine Spectator's web site: pairing wine and Halloween candy. It's actually a pretty interesting article, since it reveals a lot about what the wine press looks for in the ever-elusive perfect food and wine pairing.

- Wine Spectator Is Arrogant
I know. It's a shock. But take a deep breath, and I'll explain. In the current issue, they've printed a letter from a reader who blames Wine Spectator for promoting monstrous wine lists, and he goes on to decry the trend. "I am not happy...

- New Aoc Regulations?
Noticed this article on Wine Spectator's site. Basically, a French official has proposed changes to the AOC system France has used for some time, which has in turn served as the model for many other European wine systems. What I find interesting...

- Wine Bits
The new vintage of Beaujolais Nouveau is out. Here's Wine Spectator's coverage. This is a big event every year, though one suspects it has more to do with the marketing abilities rather than the wine. Don't get me wrong, Beaujolais is a very...

- Wine And Cheese
So I've been advocating white wine with most cheeses for a little while now, which goes against the normally accepted pairings. Melissa and I tried this after I saw a couple of good sources argue for it, and we've been pretty happy with our experiments....

- Mexican Wine
I just noticed this article about wine producers in Mexico. The article suggests that quality wine is being made in Mexico. It might seem odd to be growing grapes that close to the equator, but I'd be interested in trying some. I just find it annoying...

