Wine and Cheese

Wine and Cheese

So I've been advocating white wine with most cheeses for a little while now, which goes against the normally accepted pairings. Melissa and I tried this after I saw a couple of good sources argue for it, and we've been pretty happy with our experiments. But for years the opinion was "red wine & cheese." So were all these people wrong? No, it's just that the wine has changed.

Wine Spectator's web site has an article about this, which was printed a couple issues ago in the magazine. It's an editorial piece, not reporting, so just keep that in mind.

- Wine And Roommates
Some of you veteran OWF readers may dimly remember that I write for other publications. Some of you may also remember that I occasionally write for this one. Ha ha. Yesterday, my article about managing roommates and wine tastes appeared in the San Francisco...

- Red Wine And Cheese
The food world went ballistic last month when news broke that a forthcoming study debunked the notion that wine and cheese go well together. Over at Slate, Mike Steinberger tries to calm the panic by looking at a draft of the study. Yes, he says, the...

- Wine Spectator Is Arrogant
I know. It's a shock. But take a deep breath, and I'll explain. In the current issue, they've printed a letter from a reader who blames Wine Spectator for promoting monstrous wine lists, and he goes on to decry the trend. "I am not happy...

- Wine Bits
The new vintage of Beaujolais Nouveau is out. Here's Wine Spectator's coverage. This is a big event every year, though one suspects it has more to do with the marketing abilities rather than the wine. Don't get me wrong, Beaujolais is a very...

- Wine & Chocolate
Wine Spectator posted a web version of an article that appeared a few issues back about pairing wine with chocolate. I found it a pretty interesting feature overall, and the article has links to more in-depth descriptions of the various types of dessert...

