Wine And Roommates

Wine And Roommates

Some of you veteran OWF readers may dimly remember that I write for other publications. Some of you may also remember that I occasionally write for this one. Ha ha. Yesterday, my article about managing roommates and wine tastes appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. I had fun writing it and hearing the different stories of people who have had to wrangle wine interest into the already complicated dynamics of roommates in San Francisco. I also like the juxtaposition of this piece — almost certainly one of my most "wine light" wine articles — with a piece I have coming out in a couple of weeks for a different publication — almost certainly one of my most wine-geek-oriented pieces.

- Food/wine Pairing Tasting Notes
Here is a question I often ponder. If you are going to suggest a wine to go with a particular dish (or vice versa), why would you just write a regular tasting note and not reference the dish? That thought crept into my mind again as I noticed this post...

- Keep Or Don't Keep: Magazines Worth Moving
So here it is: The final countdown (cue the Europe song). In two weeks, we will have no claim to our apartment; we will want nothing to do with our apartment. Ever again. Today, I culled magazines from my shelves in an attempt to reduce the amount of...

- Clips, Clips, Everywhere Clips
Melissa and I are still traveling, enjoying New Zealand wine and food before heading to Australia, but we're in a hotel with a wireless Internet connection; I've caught up on the Internet. The whole thing. I've had some articles appear like...

- Clark Smith On Sweet Spots And Food
After my Vinovation piece came out in The Art of Eating, the magazine received a small flood of letters, some of which are published in the current issue. One of those came from Mark Anisman, who asked how a wine's sweet spot did or did not change...

- Well Beyond Cherries And Violets
I find the average wine tasting note to be boring, and I constantly strive to write better descriptions. David Schildknecht has served as my model until now, but I'm tempted to try my nose at erotic wine tasting, like Ray in this Achewood comic strip. Mildly...

