New AOC Regulations?

New AOC Regulations?

Noticed this article on Wine Spectator's site. Basically, a French official has proposed changes to the AOC system France has used for some time, which has in turn served as the model for many other European wine systems.

What I find interesting is that they fear the current system is "driving confused and distrustful consumers away from French wines". I think what's driving people away is that lots of other regions have increased their quality, and while France still has the greatest concentration of great wines in the world (or so I would argue), helped along by the limestone-rich soil in much of the country, other regions produce great wine as well. I think France is seeing this cut into their market, and are looking up to shake up their system to recapture the lost consumers.

I know a number of American wine makers who are grateful that the U.S. hasn't adopted similar appelation rules. They find them too restrictive, which is probably true. Perhaps the new system will give French vignerons some flexibility to try new things.

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