Decanting in the Chronicle

Decanting in the Chronicle

The Chronicle has a reasonably useful article about decanting wine. The article correctly states that it's probably something that intimidates people, and goes on to describe a controversy that I didn't know was there: whether or not oxygen actually softens tannins.

The article has a couple of important omissions. They bill Ronn Wiegand as "the editor of Restaurant Wine" without also noting that he's one of the three people in the world to hold both a Master of Wine and a Master Sommelier. I would think those qualifications would carry more weight with readers than being the editor of a magazine most of them don't take. I also note that they only listed two of the reasons for decanting wine: removing sediment and aerating the liquid. Christie Dufault stumped a room full of wine professionals when she asked us to name a third reason. After we hemmed and hawed and looked around nervously, she reminded us of a purely aesthetic reason: Wine looks gorgeous when pooled in a decanter. Certainly Melissa and I like the look (though we don't decant all that often), and when we were in Germany, I commented to the server in our hotel's restaurant that I really enjoyed watching him decant: It's such a pleasure to see it done well.

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