Making Good

Making Good

I made a promise to Vineela, to take part in a meme. Vineela, here you go!

Missing my favorite food from My family - Meme

  1. Grammy's Irish Stew; there's no substitute
  2. Thanksgiving dinner at Grammy & Grampa's house...lots of turkey, stuffing and gravy!
  3. Eating Circus Peanuts with Grampa while we watched the Steelers play
  4. Making fudge with Grammy, whipping and whipping it for ages...then getting to lick the spoon!
  5. Eating frozen Hostess cupcakes...shut up. I was five.
  6. Sharing a batch of wing dings with Grampa while we watched the Pirates play
  7. A bowl of Boo Berry cereal while watching Saturday morning cartoons
  8. Eating peas right out of the garden during the summer...poor Grammy rarely had any to freeze!
  9. The chipped ham sandwiches Grammy often made; super-thin (chip-chopped) ham slices, simmered in a barbecue-like sauce, in the crockpot, for hours and hours.
  10. Grammy's potato salad. It's not a picnic without it.
Many of these things will remain memories only; life as a vegetarian can be rough!

Tagged with: Food & Drink + Memes + Family + Memories

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