It is a sham, but it's a sham with yams. It's a yam sham.

It is a sham, but it's a sham with yams. It's a yam sham.

Anya: I love a ritual sacrifice.
Buffy: Not really a one of those.
Anya: To commemorate a past event you kill and eat an animal. A ritual sacrifice... with pie.

(quotes from the wonderful Buffy the Vampire episode, "Pangs")

So, anyone else ready for Thanksgiving? We have our menu planned, and I just found out what my Mom is going to be making this year.

All my life, Thanksgiving...and every other holiday, for that matter...was spent at my grandparent's house. Grammy would prepare a very traditional meal; turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cottage potatoes, rolls, gravy. Some over-cooked vegetable I never actually ate.
My many Aunts, Uncles and cousins would arrive as close to one o'clock as possible, and spend the next six or seven hours eating and talking. There was usually a football game to watch.

There are so many people in my family, eating around the table was never an option. Instead, we'd all load up our plates (mine would be heavy on the turkey, potatoes and gravy...sigh; I miss those days), and find a seat in either the living room, what was long referred to as Great Grammy's room (my Grammy's mother lived there after suffering a stroke), and the playroom. We found seats where we could. And ate. And ate. And ate.

Grammy prepared holiday meals for the entire family for over fifty years. Grampa's gone now, and she's just not that into cooking a big meal nowadays.

So, a few years ago, my Mom decided she'd take over meal prep.

But things were different. Instead of the traditional meal, my parents offered up a much different menu.
She'd make a turkey, sure. But she'd also cook up a ham, and a roast, and some kind of fish.

There'd be a table filled with desserts, consisting of much more than Cool Whipped-topped pumpkin pie.

Of course, Mom waited until I no longer lived in the area to do this!

Anyway, I just found out what my parents are making for this year's dinner, and it sounded so good, I had to share.

Thanksgiving Day Menu


Almond Crusted Shrimp Cakes with Lemon Soy Mayonnaise

Suppli Al Telefono

(Fried Risotto balls)


Lobster Bisque

Assortment of fresh baked breads


Roast Turkey with Prosciutto Nut Crust

The Ultimate Turkey

Roast Beet Ravioli with Poppy Seed Butter

Fig and Rosemary Pork Pot roast

Side Dishes

Boston Brown Bread Stuffing with Bacon and Tarragon

Whipped Potatoes

Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Carrots with Sweet and Sour Walnuts

Cauliflower Broccoli Flan with Spinach Bechamel

Butternut Squash with Shallots and Sage

Brussels Sprouts with White Beans and Pecorino

And of course, lots of desserts.

We're not making nearly so much food, but then we're only cooking for six!

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