In my Heart: Livestrong with a Taste of Yellow 2010

In my Heart: Livestrong with a Taste of Yellow 2010

I could write something poetic here. That's never been my style.

So I'll stick to the facts.

Cancer stalks the women in my family. On both sides. My Grammy is one of five girls; all five battled at least one form of cancer. More than one found themselves diagnosed with two or more.
Three of my great-aunts died from the disease.
One survived after multiple bouts & countless rounds of treatment.

My Grammy has seen her cancer return again. This time, her heart is too weak for further chemo.

The current plan is to make her as comfortable, & keep her as healthy, as possible.

Now I wait for the telephone call telling me the most important woman in my life, the one who helped raise me & made me the person I am today, has finally succumbed.

She's an amazing woman, my Grammy. And I hope the ol' luck of the Irish that runs through her veins helps her beat the odds. That the love her family has for her gives her the strength to stay with us a bit longer.

There isn't much else I can do.

Except this: White Lemon & Milk Hazelnut Chocolate Lollipops for the lovely Barbara's Livestrong with a Taste of Yellow.

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