Non-Food Post

Non-Food Post

My friend Erin and I met when we were just...three or four years old. Our grandparents lived a few houses apart. We spent most of our summers there, so we hung out a lot as little kids.

It's kind of funny, that recently, within weeks of each other, and completely independent of each other, we decided to scan photos of our grandparents. You know, for posterity, and all that.

We knew each other's grandparents, and we've both lost one each. Erin recently posted a photo of her grandmother as a twenty-something...or possibly a late teen. I've decided to add a few of my own grandmother (who is still with us, thankfully).

This is the sort of thing I'd usually post on my other blog, but I'm sticking it here.

This is my Grammy, in her high school cap and gown. She graduated as one of 44 students in 1944 (just a few boys; the rest had enlisted), and this was for my Grampa.

After high school, Grammy moved to Washington, DC, for work. She started as a runner for the FBI; she wanted to move up to secretary, but she felt it would take too long. Plus, she hated running up and down all those steps in heels! Here she is with a friend. She eventually worked for the government, keeping track of the ships on loan form the Navy (she told me that in the end, the only ships unaccounted for were the ones we'd given to the Russians...signs of things to come, perhaps?)

I had to add this one, even if it's not of Grammy.

Here's my Grampa, holding his first two grandchildren...I'm on the left and my cousin Jenny's on the right. Anyone else notice his resemblance to a certain Hollywood star?

I thought this one was so cute; Grammy was a drum majorette!

And here she is with another of her DC friends.

I'm not positive, but I think she's holding my uncle here.

While living in DC, my great-aunt would visit Grammy...she loved going out to the clubs. And apparently, it was exactly like what you see in black & white films, with camera-toting gals snapping your picture for a small fee. I think this one was from New Year's Eve. And I need to learn how to do my hair like that!

One of the clubs where they had their picture taken.

Grammy on the left, great-Aunt Mercedes on the right.

Grammy would send photos of herself to Grampa, who by this time was serving aboard the USS Nehenta Bay, in the Pacific. How cute is that?

Another photo for Grampa, Grammy and a friend with an armful of Santa Claus!

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