Of Cabbage Rolls and Things

Of Cabbage Rolls and Things

Thank you to Clare Eats of eat stuff, for including me in the Childhood Memories MEME.

So...what's this one about, you ask? It's pretty simple: you have to write about your 5 Childhood foods that you miss.

Red tape first:

Remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place; add your blog’s name in the #5 spot; link to each of the other blogs for the desired cross-pollination effect.

1. Secrets & Lies
2. Do or Do Not
3. BeautyJoyFood
4. Eatstuff
5. Dispensing Happiness

Childhood Memories
1. Circus Peanuts

Oh, how I loved Circus Peanuts. My Grampa would buy these for me...soft, chewy, and sweet; peanut-shaped candies. I don't know how to describe them, or my fondness for them. They're often cited on 'bad candy' forums...but I think they're fabulous.
Of course, I can never have them again...they're made from gelatin. Sigh.

2. Grammy's Irish Stew

Although I'm usually thought to belong to any number of nationalities, I actually have a good deal of Irish blood in my veins.
My Grammy tells the story of when she first came, with her family, to my hometown from Butler, PA; one of the nuns said she had the map of Ireland on her face.
Whether or not that was a factor, I found myself eating a lot of Irish stew over the years. It was (and still is, in a longing-sort of way) one of my favorite dishes. Tender chunks of beef, cubes of potatoes and slices of carrots, in a flavorful gravy. Add a big chunk of bread, and you've got the poster child for 'comfort' food.
Miss this one, too...hmmm.

3. Hostess Cup Cakes

Gross, eh? Well, I was a kid...cut me some slack. But the way I liked to eat them was to stick them in the freezer till solid, eat off the icing, then the cake until I had nothing left but the frozen filling. Yum.

4. Stale Buttered Bread
I lived with my grandparents for a few years when I was small. I couldn't wait till Grampa came home from work...of course, I loved and missed him, but I was hoping to find a special treat in his lunch box when he returned. Grampa would often take a couple slices of buttered, Italian bread with him for lunch. If I was lucky, he'd have left one behind. And I adored eating that somewhat-stale buttered slice. Again, I can't quite explain why...
And now, Grampa's gone. Stale buttered bread just isn't the same if it doesn't come from his lunchbox.

5. Boo Berry Cereal

Saturday mornings at Grammy and Grampa's house. If Grampa didn't make eggs, bacon and toast, I usually had a bowl of Boo Berry while I watched Spiderman and his Amazing Friends, the Superfriends, and Schoolhouse Rocks!. Almost sickly-sweet, and leaving a bowful of blue milk...alas, can't eat Boo Berry these days, either. (Yes, you can still find it). The marshmallows are made from...you got it...gelatin.

A new question courtesy of Clare Eats.!

What is one food that you never ever wish to have again from your childhood?
Cabbage rolls. Dear lord...how I hate them. My parents would bring those nasty bundles to the table at least once every two weeks. I couldn't stand the smell, and trying to eat them...well, I'd gag. My dear, late, dog Buster usually got my share (there's a reason I was the last one at the table, mother...). Horrid things. Bleah.

Now it's my turn to play 'tag'...hmmm...Julia of Aroma Cookery, Sweetnicks, and Stephanie of The Daily Vegetable.

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