Lemons on SFist

Lemons on SFist

Photo by Melissa Schneider.
I'm at a wine writing conference this week (and what a coincidence! So is Alder.) But I still did a quick post about lemons for SFist.

- Risotto On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. When Melissa and I first started dating, risotto was my main dish. I still make it often, and I decided to write a risotto tutorial for SFist this week. Let me know what you think....

- Garlic On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Research a topic once, write about it many times. It's the freelance writer's motto. So what to do with all the garlic knowledge I picked up for my Art of Eating garlic blurb? Write about everyone's favorite...

- Sfist Tuesday: We Got The Beets
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Okay, it's a little early to be writing about beets. But I've been using them, and you can find good ones, so I wrote about them for this week's SFist column....

- Okra On Sfist
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. While I'm usually willing to try a new ingredient for the SFist column, facing a vegetable I don't think I like is a bit more daunting. So I was apprehensive about writing about okra for this week's...

- Sfist 03/01/05
I'm at a wine writers' conference at the moment, but I wanted to make a quick post to let you all know that my latest SFist piece is up. Here's the link....

