Garlic on SFist

Garlic on SFist

Photo by Melissa Schneider.

Research a topic once, write about it many times. It's the freelance writer's motto. So what to do with all the garlic knowledge I picked up for my Art of Eating garlic blurb? Write about everyone's favorite aromatic for SFist, of course. Hardneck garlic is in season now, and I wanted to tell my readers to keep an eye out for this more flavorful version.

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I have a small piece about hardneck garlic in issue 72 of The Art of Eating. When I discovered hardneck garlic two years ago, I wanted to do a piece about how chefs take advantage of the different tastes of these more flavorful bulbs. The problem is:...

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Photo by Melissa Schneider. I used to not like Brussels sprouts. This might have been because my dad once fed me one that was covered in chocolate. That kind of thing tends to scar one. Long-time readers may remember how Brussels sprouts won me...

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