Risotto on SFist

Risotto on SFist

Photo by Melissa Schneider.
When Melissa and I first started dating, risotto was my main dish. I still make it often, and I decided to write a risotto tutorial for SFist this week. Let me know what you think.

- More Fear Of Frying
So here's another reason to hate frying. What a mess! To make delectably crispy and golden risotto cakes I had to dip sticky cold risotto in flour, then in beaten egg and finally in panko, a kind of Japanese crumb. Delicious? Sure. But what a bother!...

- Bacon And Egg Risotto
photo by Melissa SchneiderTwo years ago, Melissa and I attended “The Second Most Momentous Meeting of Food Bloggers EVER.” We had dinner with the Amateur Gourmet himself, Adam Roberts. You can read the details on his blog, and that dinner...

- Garlic On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Research a topic once, write about it many times. It's the freelance writer's motto. So what to do with all the garlic knowledge I picked up for my Art of Eating garlic blurb? Write about everyone's favorite...

- Bonus Sfist Posts: Food Shopping And Cork Popping
Photo by Melissa Schneider. In addition to my weekly SFist post, I squeezed some extras into my spare time. The first was my award for Best Place to Shop For Food, while the second was a tutorial on opening sparkling wine. Enjoy!...

- Imbb 4: California Risotto
Pim's suggestion of a rice dish for "Is My Blog Burning?"'s fourth incarnation coincided nicely with the latest issue of Art Culinaire. Among their many scrumptious recipes, they have an idea for risotto wrapped in prosciutto. Yum. Risotto...

