Bonus SFist Posts: Food Shopping and Cork Popping

Bonus SFist Posts: Food Shopping and Cork Popping

Photo by Melissa Schneider.

In addition to my weekly SFist post, I squeezed some extras into my spare time. The first was my award for Best Place to Shop For Food, while the second was a tutorial on opening sparkling wine. Enjoy!

- Risotto On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. When Melissa and I first started dating, risotto was my main dish. I still make it often, and I decided to write a risotto tutorial for SFist this week. Let me know what you think....

- A-braisin' In The Sun
Photo by Melissa Schneider. I gave up waiting for rainy weather to do my braising post for SFist. I'm hoping to do more technique posts for my column, though there will still be plenty of ingredient-focused posts as well....

- It's The Cabbage Patch, Kids
Photo by Melissa Schneider. For my weekly "In the Kitchen" column at SFist, I graduated from Brussels sprouts to cabbage. I wanted to do a post on braising, but it's too warm here in the Bay Area. Maybe I'll wait until the summer when it's...

- Little Tiny Cabbages
Photo by Melissa Schneider. I used to not like Brussels sprouts. This might have been because my dad once fed me one that was covered in chocolate. That kind of thing tends to scar one. Long-time readers may remember how Brussels sprouts won me...

- Figs On Sfist
Photo by melissa nicole. Busy, busy, busy. But I squeezed in some time to write about figs for SFist...

