It's the Cabbage Patch, Kids

It's the Cabbage Patch, Kids

Photo by Melissa Schneider.
For my weekly "In the Kitchen" column at SFist, I graduated from Brussels sprouts to cabbage. I wanted to do a post on braising, but it's too warm here in the Bay Area. Maybe I'll wait until the summer when it's cold again.

- Parsnips On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Parsnips are one of my favorite root vegetables, so I was happy to find some at the market just in time for my SFist column....

- Cheese Fondue On Sfist
Photo by Melissa Schneider. And what more does one need to say, really? It's the perfect season for warm, liquid cheese, and I decided to sing its praises for my column at SFist. Click through. You know you can't resist. Winter's deep...

- Don't Cry For Me...
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Because I shed plenty of tears of my own when I wrote about onions for my SFist column....

- A-braisin' In The Sun
Photo by Melissa Schneider. I gave up waiting for rainy weather to do my braising post for SFist. I'm hoping to do more technique posts for my column, though there will still be plenty of ingredient-focused posts as well....

- Ruby Tuesday - Pomegranates On Sfist
Photo by melissa nicole. My weekly column at SFist combines mythology and Bay Area food bloggers to (hopefully) inspire would-be pomegranate shoppers. Technorati tags: food & drink | pomegranates |  sfist...

