Cheese Fondue on SFist

Cheese Fondue on SFist

Photo by Melissa Schneider.
And what more does one need to say, really? It's the perfect season for warm, liquid cheese, and I decided to sing its praises for my column at SFist. Click through. You know you can't resist.

Winter's deep chill has arrived, and you can expect it to stay here for a few months. Forget salads for dinner; our bodies need food that coats our bellies and warms our hearts. And few dishes heat us like cheese fondue, the perfect dish with which to greet cold friends coming to your home for dinner.

- Chocolate Fondue Recipe
Lee's biggest complaint regarding my cooking is that I "never repeat", meaning I never make the same thing twice. Which isn't true of course, but I know what he means. I'm always looking to improve upon recipes and try something new. So for...

- Retro Preview: Fondue
Blog Party Retro Party is tomorrow, so we decided to go a bit 'retro' in preparation. What's more retro than fondue? Yummy melty cheese, Tuscan bread, new potatoes, cauliflower, and baby carrots. When Matt & I realized we were the proud...

- Do You Fondue?
Another out-of-season dinner; fondue! I tasted fondue for the very first time not long after I moved to California. Matt, who continues to open my eyes to so many wonderful cuisines, took me to a fabulous little place in Berkeley, Fondue Fred. The atmosphere...

- Sfist: Chevre Chase
Photo by Melissa Schneider. Spring has sprung, and I celebrated May's arrival with an ode to goat cheese on SFist. IMBB write-up coming soon. I promise....

- It's The Cabbage Patch, Kids
Photo by Melissa Schneider. For my weekly "In the Kitchen" column at SFist, I graduated from Brussels sprouts to cabbage. I wanted to do a post on braising, but it's too warm here in the Bay Area. Maybe I'll wait until the summer when it's...

