Okra on SFist

Okra on SFist

Originally uploaded by melissa nicole.
While I'm usually willing to try a new ingredient for the SFist column, facing a vegetable I don't think I like is a bit more daunting. So I was apprehensive about writing about okra for this week's SFist post. Happily, it turns out that even if I didn't fall in love with okra, I at least don't mind it so much anymore.

- Brassicas, Soufflés & Okra: Single Subject Cookbooks
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- Melons On Sfist

- Tomatillos On Sfist
Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. Last year, I didn't do much with our tomatillos except make salsa. I had plans to do something different for this week's post about tomatillos for SFist, but it didn't work out. So I made salsa...

- Tomatoes. Oh Yeah.
It's Tuesday! Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. My latest post for SFist focuses on that emblematic summer vegetable, the tomato. Tomatoes are everywhere at the market right now, and we've been putting them to good use....

- From Zukes To Cukes
Homemade pickles Originally uploaded by melissa nicole. I hoped to do corn for this week's SFist post, but there wasn't any, so I decided to take advantage of the abundant cucumbers instead. I should also note that Melissa, in pursuit of...

