Itty Bitty Contest

Itty Bitty Contest

Small is not only beautiful but also edible. Take a good look at each of the photos below and then decide what you think they are. Leave your answers in the comments section along with your email.

The first person to guess all the items will win the utterly delightful Itty Bitty Kitchen Handbook featuring 100 recipes. Two runners up will win packages of Marcona almonds. Only one entry per person, so choose carefully! Remember, you MUST include your email to win. Good luck!



- Second Chance To Win Morimoto
Looks like my quiz has really stumped you! No one got all the answers right, and only one person was even close. But I really do want to give away copies of Morimoto The New Art of Japanese Cooking. So I'm giving the answers to two of the questions...

- Carrot Contest
In Portland I found a very special delicacy that I had never before found in the US. I haven't even been able to find a a reliable recipe for it. At least two bloggers have written about their attempts to make it. Needless to say, I bought myself...

- American Food Contest
It's time for another contest! This time, courtesy of Knopf, Cooking with Amy will be awarding three copies of David Burke's New American Classics. You can read my review of the book here. Only one entry per person, so choose carefully! Remember,...

- Itty Bitty Contest Winners
Congratulations to Brett who has won the Itty Bitty Kitchen Handbook. The other two correct guessers were Chubby and Anni. All the prize winners are also food bloggers. I think that's a first! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. FOOD©2016 Cooking with Amy. All rights...

- Keep Guessing...
So dear readers, here's the deal--only one person has correctly guessed all of the items in Thursday's Itty Bitty Contest. Instead of announcing the winner today as I originally planned I am extending the contest one more day. There's still...

