Keep guessing...

Keep guessing...

So dear readers, here's the deal--only one person has correctly guessed all of the items in Thursday's Itty Bitty Contest. Instead of announcing the winner today as I originally planned I am extending the contest one more day. There's still a chance to be a runner up and win a prize.

Tomorrow I will be participating in IMBB 25, Stale Bread (really!). I am going to make something I learned in Italy. Is it a salad? A soup? A stuffing? A dessert? Come back tomorrow and find out...


- The Ungarnished Truth, A Cooking Contest Memoir: Book Review
I'll admit it, even though I find most of the recipes atrocious, I am fascinated by the Pillsbury Bake-Off. Every two years the contest is held with much fanfare and prizes, including a million dollar grand prize. The judges are generally food editors...

- Dessert Giveaway!
There's another contest over at Glam Dish today! Win one of three prize packages that each include a signed copy of a Gale Gand cookbook, bakeware and 12 coupons for a product that was named to Time Magazine's list of the 100 greatest consumer...

- $1000 Giveaway!
Just a quick reminder to let you know that today is the last day of the $1000 Mother's Day giveaway on Glam Dish. All you have to do to enter is comment on how you would spend the prize on mom. Check it out! So far the comments have run the gamut...

- Jammin' Contest
Not too long ago I interviewed local jam entrepreneur Carolina Braunschweig over at Bay Area Bites. You can find her yummy jams all over and they are just now making their debut at Macy's Cellar in New York. Carolina's jam company, CMB Sweets...

- Lulu's Blog
Tomorrow is the next edition of the famous "Is My Blog Burning?" event so I am cheating a bit by not really posting much today, except to say check out my dear friend Lulu's new blog. Lulu is a fabulous cook from Bombay. Back when we shared an office...

