Jammin' Contest

Jammin' Contest

Not too long ago I interviewed local jam entrepreneur Carolina Braunschweig over at Bay Area Bites. You can find her yummy jams all over and they are just now making their debut at Macy's Cellar in New York.

Carolina's jam company, CMB Sweets is holding a contest to rename one of their products--a perfect pear vanilla butter. Come up with the winning name and win some jam!

Use no more than 30 characters to describe a mix of pears, simmered in white wine, cooked down with orange juice and lemon juice, and scented with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger and a generous dose of vanilla.
It needs to say “pear” and it needs to say “butter.” And they'll like your entry even more if it also includes the word “vanilla.” It needs to be simple. It needs to be fun. Are you up to the challenge? Give it a try!
The third place winner will receive two jars of CMB Sweets jam
The second prize winner will receive three jars of jam and a batch of homemade cookies.
And if that isn’t motivation enough, the first prize winner will receive a basket of jam, an extra-large batch of homemade cookies and a commemorative name that jam contest t-shirt!

The deadline is Weds., August 30th. Good luck! 


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