Lulu's Blog

Lulu's Blog

Tomorrow is the next edition of the famous "Is My Blog Burning?" event so I am cheating a bit by not really posting much today, except to say check out my dear friend Lulu's new blog.

Lulu is a fabulous cook from Bombay. Back when we shared an office and talked non-stop about cooking, she taught me how to make things at home that I used to enjoy only when eating out at Indian restaurants. We often shared lunch so we could sample each others creations. Lulu just moved from the Bay Area to New York and reading her blog you can follow along as she shares recipes and discovers the many culinary sides of Manhattan at Lulu's Gonna Love Manhattan.

Check back tomorrow for the dumpling edition of IMBB!

This week three sweet treat posts caught my eye. I hope they don't make you crave frozen yogurt, fresh mangoes and doughnuts, but if they do, take comfort. You are in good company. First Lulu loved Manhattan, then London, and now Bombay. Who can...

If you haven't checked it out recently, head over to KQED's food blog, Bay Area Bites. The site has relaunched with a new look and a new feature--Take 5. Take 5 features five interview questions with a person involved in the culinary life of...

- Bills Open Kitchen:cookbook
I've never really understood the appeal of Australia. In many ways it just seems too similar to California and the Bay Area in particular--the climate, a famous bridge, the beaches, vineyards, a relationship to the Pacific, it's rough-and-tumble...

- Is My Blog Burning?
Tomorrow is the seemingly monthly event, Is My Blog Burning? This time hosted by Derrick of the aptly named, Obsession with Food blog. You still have some time to whip up a terrine if you'd like to participate. This time around there is a new...

- Stuffed Brinjal Recipe
I'm no vegetarian, but I eat vegetarian meals all the time. Vegetables like mushrooms or eggplant are so "meaty" they make great vegetarian meals. I especially like to go vegetarian when I have Indian food. There are so many great veggie dishes in...

