Itty Bitty Contest Winners

Itty Bitty Contest Winners

Congratulations to Brett who has won the Itty Bitty Kitchen Handbook. The other two correct guessers were Chubby and Anni. All the prize winners are also food bloggers. I think that's a first!



- Itty Bitty Contest
Small is not only beautiful but also edible. Take a good look at each of the photos below and then decide what you think they are. Leave your answers in the comments section along with your email. The first person to guess all the items will win the...

Is there anything tastier than reading Pim's Thai cooking posts? Probably not. She shares secrets you're not likely to find elsewhere unless you have a direct link to Thailand. Savor her latest series which begins here, continues here and here....

So I didn't fool too many people with my quiz. I hope you had fun with it anyway! The Julia Child quote, according to Anne Willian anyway, is "One of the secrets of cooking is to correct something if you can or live with it if you cannot" So the...

- The Father Of American Gastronomy
"I like a well-tailored plate of food, and I want things to look and taste like what they are. I detest cooking that masks one flavor with another, and I dislike fussy presentations that don't respect the identity of the ingredients. A tomato is...

- Paging Karen Paik
Pim has announced the winners of the Menu for Hope II raffle, which raised just over $17,000 for victims of the recent Kashmir earthquake. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this amazing drive, and thanks to Pim and her elves who sorted through...

