I'm off...

I'm off...

I'm leaving for New Orleans early tomorrow for work, so I won't be posting for the next week. I will only have a few hours to sightsee, but I'm a three-meals-a-day-kinda-gal, so there will be lots of eating to be done! I probably won't be able to post before Sunday, but please do check back then!

- Where's Amy?

I've never been to Alabama, Mississippi or Louisiana. But I've always dreamed of going to New Orleans. I've seen and heard so much about it especially from other food bloggers. This past week many food bloggers shared their memories of New...

- Happy Birthday To Me!
Guess what I'm doing to celebrate? I'm heading up to Napa to eat delicious meals, be bathed in mud and massaged, laze by a hot springs pool and read some juicy food magazines. I'll have lots of yummy things to share next week, no doubt....

- Back Now
Things are fixed, I'm recovered (long story). I'll be posting my "Waiter, there's something in my..." entry later today, and the Blog Party round-up will go up tomorrow. Thanks for your patience. It's been a rough week....

- Another Day At Work...
How come it doesn't really feel like the day is over when you work 12 hours straight? Maybe I should explain: I work at a restaurant and what with the summer break and everything, this is time to make some money! I actually really like my job - I'm...

