Back Now

Back Now

Things are fixed, I'm recovered (long story).

I'll be posting my "Waiter, there's something in my..." entry later today, and the Blog Party round-up will go up tomorrow.

Thanks for your patience. It's been a rough week.

- Lulu's Blog
Tomorrow is the next edition of the famous "Is My Blog Burning?" event so I am cheating a bit by not really posting much today, except to say check out my dear friend Lulu's new blog. Lulu is a fabulous cook from Bombay. Back when we shared an office...

- Blog Party Warm-up: Mary's Little Lambs
Tomorrow's the big day...Blog Party's 2-year anniversary! It's been all appetizers, all week, to get the festive mood going. Today, tiny bites of lamb, served in phyllo. I wish I could tell you what was in them, but...well, they're lamb....

- Woooooooooo-hoooooo!
It's back! I'm back! Too many days without access...I kept telling myself there was a time when we didn't blog or email, but it still felt strange. I've been on-line for maybe fifteen minutes, and almost feel a bit rusty! Ok, business....

- *%!)@&*^$
Our Network connection has been...AWOL. So, no posting. As of this afternoon, things appear to be (almost) back to normal. So, Wartime Wednesdays will be up soon. And don't forget! Tomorrow, Thursday, is the VERY LAST DAY to send in your Blog Party...

- Be Back Soon!
Sorry for the lack of post-y-ness; I'm getting ready for this weekend's Blog Party, and I'm still not fully recovered from whatever it was that made me feel...uh, unwell. So, stop by for the party Saturday, and hopefully? I'll be able...

