Happy Birthday to me!

Happy Birthday to me!

Guess what I'm doing to celebrate? I'm heading up to Napa to eat delicious meals, be bathed in mud and massaged, laze by a hot springs pool and read some juicy food magazines.

I'll have lots of yummy things to share next week, no doubt. I'll be back posting on Tuesday.



p.s. I can hardly believe it, but Cooking with Amy turned two last Friday...

- I'm Writing For Epicurious Again!
I am very happy to be writing for the Epicurious blog, Epilog again. I'm writing twice a week, and will be sharing some posts on intriguing flavor combinations. I hope you will check out my posts and please do leave comments and tell me what you...

- Off To Portugal!
A few years ago I wrote WinePassport:Portugal. It was a great project, and I learned a lot about Portuguese wines, but there was no budget for a trip to Portugal. Ever since then I've been very eager to visit. I was in Portugal once, 20 years ago...

- Hau'oli Makahiki Hou (happy New Year In Hawaiian)
I'm heading off for a brief trip to Oahu and will be back on January 2nd, 2008. I may or may not be posting about my trip here, but probably will be posting about it for Epicurious. You can always check out my daily posts by clicking on the Epicurious...

Dear Readers, On this Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for all the usual stuff--family, friends, health, enough to eat, and work that I love--but I am also thankful for you. You, my dear readers have stuck around even when I have been missing in action....

- Good Day Sunshine
A big thanks to all who braved the rain and came out to see me in my "guest baker" role in the one-woman show "I Look Like An Egg, But I Identify As A Cookie". I had a great time and enjoyed chatting with folks after the show, over cookies of course....

