
Thanksgiving table

Dear Readers,

On this Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for all the usual stuff--family, friends, health, enough to eat, and work that I love--but I am also thankful for you. You, my dear readers have stuck around even when I have been missing in action. Last night I created some buttons so you can read some other things I've written. Writing for other folks has kept me pretty busy recently.

The good new is, I've turned in the manuscript for the book, and now I can get back to blogging again. But for today I'm going to take a break and just enjoy the day, the friends, the family and of course the food. I hope you do too.



- Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
Here's hoping your Thanksgiving was filled with good food, friends and family. Cheers! Amy FOOD©2016 Cooking with Amy. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, rewritten or redistributed without permission. ...

- Giving Thanks
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- Thanksgiving!
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- Happy Thanksgiving!
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