Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!

Thanksgiving table

Here's hoping your Thanksgiving was filled with good food, friends and family.




- Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is hand's down, my favorite holiday of the year. I think I even like it better than my birthday, which is really saying something. So here's why: 1. There is nothing you have to do on Thanksgiving, other than share a meal. There...

On the eve of Thanksgiving I'm pretty sure you've already figured out what you are cooking or eating tomorrow, if you haven't, you could check out my post on Bay Area Bites with links to three "winning" recipes. The reason I haven't...

Dear Readers, On this Thanksgiving Day I am thankful for all the usual stuff--family, friends, health, enough to eat, and work that I love--but I am also thankful for you. You, my dear readers have stuck around even when I have been missing in action....

- Thanksgiving Disasters--and How To Avoid Them
Back before Katie Holmes became famous for being the wife of Tom Cruise she gave a very memorable performance in the movie, Pieces of April. With any luck it will join the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as a TV classic. In the film the black sheep...

- All About Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is an annual American holiday celebrated by families, friends and magazines. Yes. Magazines. In fact, you could say our current version of Thanksgiving was invented by a magazine or more specifically a magazine editor. Around this time...

