Thanksgiving Disasters--And How to Avoid Them

Thanksgiving Disasters--And How to Avoid Them

Thanksgiving 101
Back before Katie Holmes became famous for being the wife of Tom Cruise she gave a very memorable performance in the movie, Pieces of April. With any luck it will join the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as a TV classic. In the film the black sheep April attempts to make a Thanksgiving dinner for her very suburban family in her Lower East Side gritty apartment. Lots of her neighbors make cameo appearances as April struggles to get dinner on the table. It's a funny and touching film with a bit of of an indy edge to it. You can see the movie trailer here.

Thanksgiving disaster stories are nothing new so it's no wonder it ended up as the theme of a movie. I once heard a story about someone who was invited to spend Thanksgiving with some new friends. All year they looked forward to a big turkey dinner but their friends served only baked ham! Everyone has probably heard the story about someone who forget to defrost the turkey and ended up having to order Chinese food.

So what's your Thanksgiving nightmare? Forgetting to remove the bag of giblets? Leaving the sugar out of the pie? Tell me your worst or funniest Thanksgiving story in the comments and on Thursday I'll choose three winners who will receive a copy of Rick Rodger's book Thanksgiving 101.You must include your email with your comment to win (it won't be published). Only one entry per person. If you have won a book on this site in the last six months you will not be eligible to win.

Over at Bay Area Bites are my reviews of both Thanksgiving 101 and How to Cook a Turkey

- Top 5 Reasons Why I Love Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is hand's down, my favorite holiday of the year. I think I even like it better than my birthday, which is really saying something. So here's why: 1. There is nothing you have to do on Thanksgiving, other than share a meal. There...

On the eve of Thanksgiving I'm pretty sure you've already figured out what you are cooking or eating tomorrow, if you haven't, you could check out my post on Bay Area Bites with links to three "winning" recipes. The reason I haven't...

- Thanksgiving Stories
Here are my three favorite reader-posted Thanksgiving disasters--congratulations to the winners, and do check out the rest of the stories in the comments section from this post. Winners will receive a copy of Thanksgiving 101. "When my mother was first...

- Pardon Me, Turkeys
Want a safe topic for the family’s Thanksgiving dinner chatter? Snopes tracked down the history of the presidential pardon for turkeys. Who was the first president to issue a pardon for birds headed to the slaughterhouse? It may not be who you think. And...

- Heritage Turkeys
A nice piece on the modern turkey by Patrick Martins, director of Slow Food USA. Fast Food Nation meets the Thanksgiving table. We ordered a heritage turkey last year, and it was unbelievably good. No brining or marinading; I just tossed it in the oven...

