Good Day Sunshine

Good Day Sunshine

A big thanks to all who braved the rain and came out to see me in my "guest baker" role in the one-woman show "I Look Like An Egg, But I Identify As A Cookie". I had a great time and enjoyed chatting with folks after the show, over cookies of course. This was the second time I saw the show and it's really a great slice of life. You don't have to be Canadian, gay, Jewish or even from the Bay Area to laugh at Heather's view of the world.

This week is a crazy busy one for me, but I look forward to posting a restaurant review and a new recipe here as well as another Take 5 interview over at Bay Area Bites . Meanwhile if you haven't yet read last week's Take 5 with Jarrett Byrnes of Food Porn Watch, do check it out.

Oh, and here's to daylight savings time. Bring on the sun!



- Still Hungry?
READ MORE Over at Bay Area Bites is my interview with Anthony Bourdain about his current TV show, No Reservations. And part two, the "nasty bits" posted by my colleague Stephanie of the Grub Report. FOOD + TRAVEL + TELEVISION©2016 Cooking with Amy....

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- Writing, Writing, Writing
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- Kqed Food Site
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