I Love Sicily

I Love Sicily

Now I understand the title of Ronald's blog. What a beautiful place - how could you not be utterly charmed by the people, the wild flowers, the historic ruins, the amazing churches, Mount Etna, the gelato, and all the other wonderful food? What a fantastic trip... I have so much to tell you, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open!

- Alaska Diary Day Two
What a difference a day makes! I've never been as happy to see the sun as I was on day two of my Alaskan adventure. If it had stayed grey, I would have missed on some truly spectacular scenery. Even on sunny days, it's not a bad idea to wear...

- Agrigento
I am determined to finish telling you about my trip to Sicily, even if I have been back home for well over a month! The memories may be fading, but I have my photographs and my journal. I haven't told you about the best parts yet, so please bear...

- Palermo
Villa Giulia Oh where do I start? Can you tell I’ve been having trouble figuring out the answer to that question? I’ve decided my general approach will be chronological and so my first posts will be about our first stop – Palermo – but even narrowing...

- Arrivederci!
Well, this is it. It is the day before I leave for Sicily and I must finally buckle down and get ready. I still have last minute errands to run and some very tricky packing to do (any advice on squeezing clothing for two weeks into a small suitcase, along...

- Anticipation
Guess where I’m going next April?  Actually, our dates aren’t firmed up yet, but the plan is that Bob, Chuck and I will be going to Sicily next spring.  Bob and Chuck, knowing that I love the anticipation of a trip almost as much as...

