

Well, this is it. It is the day before I leave for Sicily and I must finally buckle down and get ready. I still have last minute errands to run and some very tricky packing to do (any advice on squeezing clothing for two weeks into a small suitcase, along with guidebooks and a large-ish Italian dictionary and still having some room to bring souvenirs home?).

I am so excited about this trip, but quite unprepared. The trip has been in the works for over a year and a half, but I still feel like it snuck up on me. In preparation for my last trip to Italy I read everything I could get my hands on and studied the language a little on my own. This time my preparation has consisted mostly of dreaming!

I plan to take copious notes and oodles of photos, so I'll have lots to tell you upon my return! For now I leave you with a picture of Bob and Chuck's life-like realization of me, the Greek Theatre in Taormina, and Mount Etna executed in sugar cubes, construction paper and photo snippets. Arrivederci! See you back here on May 14th!!

- Sicily Tidbits
I'm still jet-lagged and haven't accomplished a darn thing today. I'm not sure where to start with telling you about my trip, so here are a few random thoughts... I lost my heart to... No doubt about it - Mount Etna. Best meal... I think...

- I Love Sicily
Now I understand the title of Ronald's blog. What a beautiful place - how could you not be utterly charmed by the people, the wild flowers, the historic ruins, the amazing churches, Mount Etna, the gelato, and all the other wonderful food? What a...

- Using It Up...
If you're looking for my IMBB entry, sorry - I'm leaving on vacation in a few days and taking a break from IMBB, cookie baking, and the like. (Though I will have a couple more posts before I leave.) I'm using the weekend to get ready for...

- Gone With The Mistral
With barely enough time to recover from the Victoria trip—maybe not enough time—Melissa and I are off to Provence until September 18. My mom and I will be hitting the markets and cooking the entire time, much to the enjoyment of Melissa and...

- Red, White & Blue - Here We Come!
Guess what...? We're leaving Tuesday morning. Tuesday evening, we'll set foot on American soil, and we won't leave until 88 days later. Man, I can't wait!!:-) For those of you that read Danish, I've started a blog in my native tongue,...

