Red, White & Blue - here we come!

Red, White & Blue - here we come!

Guess what...?

We're leaving Tuesday morning. Tuesday evening, we'll set foot on American soil, and we won't leave until 88 days later. Man, I can't wait!!:-)

For those of you that read Danish, I've started a blog in my native tongue, where I'll hopefully be keeping a picture/diary record of our trip. No worries for those of you that still haven't gotten your tongue around the æ, ø and å though - Food & Thoughts will be kept alive (or should I say, will be resurrected, once again?!) with pictures and stories (in English) from the foodie and non-foodie joys of our trip as well. Suggestions and sofas are still very welcome, so if you have one of either to spare, let me know!

- Arrivederci!
Well, this is it. It is the day before I leave for Sicily and I must finally buckle down and get ready. I still have last minute errands to run and some very tricky packing to do (any advice on squeezing clothing for two weeks into a small suitcase, along...

- Just A Reminder...
Blog Party #12 is THIS Saturday!!! There are still a few more days to get those entries in, and don't forget: we're celebrating a full year of appetizers and cocktails with a Passport Party. This month, we're traveling to our favorite places...

- Tom Petty Said It Best...
"The waiting is the hardest part" Still waiting for the camera/computer issue to be worked out (stupid camera). I have a slew of pictures and posts, but have to wait until Matt goes back to work Tuesday (my grandmother has been in town visiting) to make...

- Advice Wanted: New Zealand
Once again, I come to you for advice. Who can blame me? You're always so helpful. Like many a food and wine blogger before us, Melissa and I are traveling to New Zealand in early August: our summer, their winter. We're there for 8 nights, 7 full...

- Gone With The Mistral
With barely enough time to recover from the Victoria trip—maybe not enough time—Melissa and I are off to Provence until September 18. My mom and I will be hitting the markets and cooking the entire time, much to the enjoyment of Melissa and...

