Alaska Diary Day Two

What a difference a day makes! I've never been as happy to see the sun as I was on day two of my Alaskan adventure. If it had stayed grey, I would have missed on some truly spectacular scenery.

Even on sunny days, it's not a bad idea to wear the
de rigueur Alaska footwear, Xtratuf boots.

In Cordova there are just three processing facilities (plus a 4th very small one) where the salmon is cleaned, cut and prepared to be shipped out. In the Summer kids from places like Slovenia, the Czech Republic and the Ukraine come to live and do the work American kids don't want to do. Even the roe is harvested and graded and prepared for export. Sport fisherman can bring their freshly caught fish in to be smoked or canned.

You know you're in Alaska when a garage has a seaplane and moose hanging in it.

Speaking of planes, I thought we would heading straight into grey, but that wasn't the case at all.

A flight is the best way to see the varied terrain including mountains, marshes, inlets and glaciers.

Especially the breathtakingly beautiful Sheridan glacier where locals go ice skating in the Winter.

The next moment wilderness.

And a close up look at the waterways.

The harbor, our hotel and town, all visible at once.

On route to the airport, foraging for delectable wild cranberries just means pulling off the road.

A drive through a deeper-than-expected puddle led to a stall and subsequent rescue from some locals who quickly got under the hood. Literally.
I was already a fan of Copper River salmon before this trip, but my appreciation for the people and the way of life in Alaska increased exponentially over the course of 48 hours there. Alaska gets under your skin. But if you can't come for a visit, enjoy Copper River wild salmon and know you are supporting a sustainable fishery and way of life for a special community of Alaskans who live in harmony with nature.
A huge thanks to Copper River/Prince William Sound Marketing Association for hosting me in Cordova. Please see Alaska Day One if you missed it...MORE!
Post from Missy Trainer about our foraging for wild cranberries.
Eat Them To Save Them & Giveaway!
I was in Alaska recently to go fishing and watch cooking demos, but more importantly to learn a bit about how Alaska helps to promote sustainability, protect the fisheries and in turn, the ecosystem. The effort that goes into maintaining the health of...
Alaska Seafood Moqueca Recipe
I'm just back from the incredibly wild and unspoiled state of Alaska. I was on the trip with food writers and chefs as well as a seafood importer. I got a chance to talk with a lot of people involved with Alaska seafood including a biologist, a conservationist,...
Sockeye Or King Salmon?
Both wild Sockeye and wild King salmon are in the market now, and available fresh and will be until late September or early October. Both types of wild Pacific salmon are a true delicacy, and very healthy. They are high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin...
Slow Roasted Salmon Recipe
Go get yourself some Copper River King salmon. RIGHT NOW. I am not kidding. I don't believe there is a more delicious salmon than Copper River King also known as Chinook and the time to enjoy it is right now. The season begins in the middle of May...
Let's take a moment to extoll the virtues of salmon. Salmon is the most beautiful color when raw and almost as gorgeous when cooked. It's good hot or cold. It's good smoked or raw or poached or baked or sauteed. According to a famous trendy...