

Lyrics adapted from Lionel Richie's: Hello

Is it DwB you're looking for?
I know I should have done the post
I know I should have blogged right here
But my house is full of boxes
And my head is spinning 'round
Because there's just so much to do
And I just can't do it all
But I want to tell you so much
I miss you!

Sorry 'bout that weird little intro - just felt like I had to make some sort of effort after having neglected everyone and everything around the Food Blogging World for more than a week. And you know, this is the sort of stuff you'll come up with when your head's been in and out of moving boxes and you're sniffing cleaning products for a couple of hours a day. Just imagine what will happen when we start painting, LOL! Anyways, things are good, apart from the missing internet connection - the new place is amazing, it's huge and bright and we're loving it! Even the little guy took the move pretty well - he got his very own basket to travel in, too! He knows how to make himself comfortable...

I'll hopefully be back in full-time blogging mode soon - and I will definitely be on the wagon for next weeks Dining with the Bloggers. Meanwhile, Cathy's pointing you straight to one of the best foodblogs around this week - go check her post out.

(and oh dear - I'm a couple meme's behind. I've been tagged for both 23/5 and a Kitchen meme - I'll be playing along as soon as possible!)

- Candy For Your Ears
On another note...Do you know what a meme is? It has a lot of definitions, coming from the word memory. In modern parlance it's a "self-replicating unit of information" kind of like a cross between memory and gene. On the internet meme's are...

- Today's The Day!
It's time to get those Blogging by Mail packages to the Post Office! Please remember to let me know when your boxes have shipped, and if you're dealing with any sort of delays, do let me know about that, as well. 26 packages have already started...

- Belated Meme
A couple of weeks ago, Lyn tagged me for a meme. I was crazy-busy, so I had to put it on hold. I'm almost back to normal now, so here you go: RECIPE COLLECTION MEME Where do you obtain the recipes you prepare? Good grief; everywhere! I have more...

- Today, I Bought Eggs...
Someone else's home? From The Enchanted Woods at Winterthur... ... for the first time in - well, a long time. Four months? And believe me when I say ours is a household that is very seldom without eggs. It's a weird, and very small gesture,...

- Dining With The Bloggers - September 28th.
As I told you just yesterday, I'm moving. Which means, and I guess that's just the way these things go, that all - or at least, a lot - of my kitchen gadgets and crockery is all put away in big, brown moving boxes. They don't like being down...

