Candy For Your Ears

Candy For Your Ears

On another note...Do you know what a meme is? It has a lot of definitions, coming from the word memory. In modern parlance it's a "self-replicating unit of information" kind of like a cross between memory and gene. On the internet meme's are kind of like chain-letters. Even though this is a music meme, it is being passed around the community of food bloggers. Don't ask me why!

Since Viv asked me and since it does not involve sending anyone socks, and since I'll try almost anything once, here goes...

Music in my Kitchen

What is the total number of music files on your computer?
233 CDs (or 12.24 GB)

The CD you last bought?
Not sure but it was either Medulla by Bjork or from a basement on a hill by Elliott Smith.

What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
Home by Zero 7

Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
I Am Trying To Break Your Heart--Wilco
There She Goes--The La's
Big Time Sensuality--Bjork
The Loving--XTC
These songs have meant different things to me at different times but are all favorites.

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Spicetart, Gastronomie and Cucina Testa Rossa three bloggers whose blogs I have been enjoying a lot these days. I hope they will play along, and that you will check out their blogs!

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- Music In My Kitchen
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