Happy Birthday, Baby

Happy Birthday, Baby

Happy 4th Birthday, Alex. You'll always be my baby.


- Happy Birthday Catelynn!
Catelynn turns one in a few days so family and friends gathered this past Saturday to celebrate. Catelynn was in good spirits all day and was happily passed from mom to gram to auntie to friend needing a "baby fix"... I volunteered to make cake and...

- Blog Party#38: Birthday Bash
Happy September, everybody! And as we start a new month, it's time to unveil the latest Blog Party theme. Someone's having a birthday this month... Not long ago, I realized I'd not had a birthday party since I was ten. I really don't...

- Birthday Cookie
I'd already made a cake for Alex's birthday party, as well as cupcakes to send to school on the actual day. So, for his much-smaller family birthday dinner, I was kind of out of ideas. One of Alex's classmates share his birthday, and her...

- Apples? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Apples!
Forget the shiny red apple as a teacher gift. For Alex's preschool teacher's birthday, we gave cake. I call it 'The Turtle Cake', for what I hope are obvious reasons. Two (square) layers of a seriously dense chocohlate cake, smothered...

- They Say It's Your Birthday; Happy Birthday To You
Alex is Two today! (When do we open presents?) We had a little party for him yesterday, and what's a birthday without cake? For my sweet boy; a Blue's Clues birthday cake. Sure, my Mom would have done better. But seriously, for freehand, it's...

