Food Porn

Food Porn

Ever wonder what a pound of vanilla beans looked like?

Take a gander above...that's 129 plump and luscious beans.

Thursday is the last day to get those RSVP's in for this month's Blog Party, and this time around, we're all about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! The whole party devoted to everyone's favorite Slayer, with appetizers and drinks based on, or taken from, the show. It would be fatal to miss it...

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Vanilla Beans + Food Porn

- Blog Party#35: Chocolate
Happy June, everyone! It's a new month, and that means a new Blog Party theme. Last month's Buffy Bash was absolutely fabulous, but it was a theme some BP'ers weren't entirely familiar, or even comfortable, with. So for our Thirty-Fifth...

- Signs Of An Early Summer
It's not actually summer yet, and thankfully the humidity hasn't taken over here in the South. But it's been warm. Warm enough to bring out Alex's Snoopy Sno Cone machine! Several nights a week, we turn the handle and transform ordinary...

- Blog Party#34: The Buffy Bash
Into every generation, a Hostess is born. One girl, in all the world, a Chosen One. One born with the plates and dishes to host the parties. That Hostess would be me. It's a new month, and that means it's time to slip on your stylish yet affordable...

- Blog Party#32: Pizza Party!
It's time for another Blog Party! I know, it seems as though we just had a party, right? We're just a fount of fun over here. We fried up a storm last month, so I can understand why you might assume I'd swing over to something terribly...

- My Kind Of Shopping
I'm not one of those girls who goes crazy over shoes. I hate shopping for clothes; always have. In fact, I hate to shop. I avoid malls and boutiques; it doesn't really matter. Unless, of course...I'm shopping for food. Or kitchen gadgets...

