Blog Party#34: The Buffy Bash

Blog Party#34: The Buffy Bash

Into every generation, a Hostess is born. One girl, in all the world, a
Chosen One. One born with the plates and dishes to host the parties.

That Hostess would be me.

It's a new month, and that means it's time to slip on your stylish yet affordable boots, and join the latest Blog Party!

And this May, in a nod to what was once sweeps month for the Scoobies, we are having a Buffy Bash.

Yes, really.

This month's party is dedicated to all things Slayer. A party devoted to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Great show, stupid name.

For our 34th Blog Party, we're taking inspiration from the show (not the movie, oh please god no). Your appetizers, your drinks? Buffy-ish.

They can be recreations of food & drinks seen or talked about on the show. (Hmmm...Beer Bad? That could be an issue!) It can be beverages and bites (heh, I just typed 'bites') about the show. Whatever puts marzipan in your pie plate, bingo.

There has to be some kind of connection to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And there HAS to be a drink...of some kind, doesn't have to be alcohol...and an appetizer.

I know it's kind of 'out there' as a theme. I realize that for some, it won't exactly be your cuppa tea (cuppa tea, almost got shagged, cuppa tea). For fans of the show, it's a fun way to remember the Buffyverse. For those who aren't devotees, well, I hope you'll join in anyway. It's a show about a cute blond girl who kills vampires. Run with it.

If you're new to Blog Party, you may want to learn a bit more about this strange little event. Let me 'splain.
No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Blog Party is, at it's core, a virtual cocktail party. We all have busy lives. I know I do. But I love to entertain, and visit with people, and cook for them, and decorate, and all the other fun things associated with parties.

But I never have the time. And it's a big house, and we have FIVE dogs, and I hate dusting!
Plus, everyone I'm friends with lives somewhere else. Organizing a get-together would be a international event.

Instead, I give you Blog Party. It's a place for us to try new recipes, meet new people, and just generally have a good time...all without buying a new outfit or worrying if you've had too many drinks to drive home. No babysitter to find, no rushing to get ready. All you have to do is come up with a drink & appetizer, fitting the theme, by a specific date. That's it! Then, it's just sit back and enjoy the party, because I pick out the music, set the table and decorate the house. You get to visit with the other guests, and sample the evening's offerings. It's a pretty good deal, I think.

Blog Party has been around for almost three years now (I can't believe it, either), and you always come up with the most amazing dishes. No matter how wacky the theme!

If you'd like to see what past parties have been like, you can visit the Blog Party 'homepage'; there you'll find all the round-ups to past parties, and a break-down of the very few rules for joining.

This month's party is coming up soon; the 3rd Thursday of May is just two weeks from today! Which means you have from now till 15 May to RSVP; get those entries to me by leaving a comment (containing your post URL) on any post here, or by emailing me at thehappysorceress at gmail dot com. Round-up will be on or about that Saturday, 17 May.

So, dust off that stake, grab a few bottles of Holy Water, and eat lots of garlic, 'cause we're having a Buffy Bash!

Hope to see you there!

Tagged with: Food and Drink + Blog Party + Events + Appetizers + Cocktails + Canapes + Parties + Finger Food + Mocktails + Buffys + Blogging

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