

Both Sweetnicks and A Blithe Palate have tagged me for the 23/5 meme, so here we go:

I tossed the hazelnuts on the counter, so Matt could use them for pesto.

Rather innocuous, isn't it?

I was posting about making 100 Almond Chicken, and our Indian recipe try-outs. We'd originally planned to serve Indian for Thanksgiving; however, clever girl that I am, realized my close-to ninety year old grandmother-in-law probably wouldn't be to keen on that idea. Plans later changed. No Indian. But still, good food!
Also, I had way too many bags of nuts in the freezer, some fell on the floor, and I was annoyed. Typical stuff.

No tagging for me...feel free to play along.

- Stonehouse 27 Indian Sauces
I'm not big on convenience foods in general, but I like the idea of an Indian "simmer sauce" to create a quick meal at home with whatever meat, seafood, tofu or vegetables I happen to have on hand. Unfortunately I never found a brand of Indian sauces...

- That Would Be A 'miss'
As much as I love Indian food, I don't often make it at home. It can be a lot of work...although, generally, worth every minute. Over the past couple of years, I've acquired Suvir Saran's books, Indian Home Cooking & American Masala. Many,...

- Dogs And Curry: But Not In The Same Dish!
A few weeks ago, we made (and by 'we', I mean Matt...lucky me) this wonderful La Hore Chicken & Potato Curry. This may be the closest we've come to a restaurant-like dish at home. Creamy, flavorful...everything we love about our favorite...

- Twice The Fun: Kulfi
(turns out my camera lens is scratched, so my problem photographing white-ish foods has gotten even worse) It's not often I force a dish into double-duty; but I'd promised Vineela I'd join this month's JFI. I also wanted to get back...

- No Need For Take-out
Matt's had a hankering for Indian food lately. We'd planned to make some over the weekend, but I ended up with an ear infection and felt lousy. So what happened? Matt took charge, and made a wonderful dinner! Borrowing heavily from Indira, he...

